PPIE Journal Club. As part of our commitment to capacity building around public and patient involvement in research, we have set up a monthly online PPIE Journal Club. Each month, an article, blog or resource will be identified as the subject of discussion. Click the link for further information about the PPIE Journal Club and how to book.
A research handbook for patient and public involvement researchers – A really useful handbook. This handbook is written for patients and members of the public who want to understand more about the approaches, methods and language used by health-services researchers. This book was developed during a five-year research programme funded by the UK’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) called Enhancing the Quality of User Involved Care Planning in Mental Health Services (EQUIP).
NIHR Payment Guidance for Members of the Public – This guide (published December 2024) is for patients, carers and members of the public thinking about getting involved in research and being offered expenses and/or payment for involvement. It offers answers to some frequently asked questions and suggests where you might get advice about your particular circumstances.
Payment Guidance for Researchers and Professionals – This guidance (published April 2021) provides information for researchers who need to cost public involvement activities at any stage of the research process.
Drop-In Sessions – PPI Leads at UoB and UHBFT run virtual drop-in sessions to help staff embed PPI throughout their research projects. The next session will be held on Wednesday 19 March, 10:30-12:30 (three slots available). To book your slot please email:ppi@contacts.bham.ac.uk.
NIHR Campaigns
I Am Research campaign – giving patients, the public and health and social care research professionals a chance to shout about how fantastic research is. Aiming to raise awareness of the benefits of research and the positive impact it has on people’s lives.
NIHR ‘Ok to ask’ campaign – a campaign encourage more patients or carers to ask about research opportunities that could be available to them or their loved ones, if they have a medical condition they are receiving treatment for. That essentially it is “OK to ask” about research opportunities.
NIHR ‘make it clear’ campaignLink opens in a new window – From 14 May 2014, a good quality plain English summary, submitted as part of the standard application form, will be a requirement of NIHR funding. Guidance has been developed for researchers and for board and panel members.
BAME Toolkit Link opens in a new window– This toolkit, developed by our colleagues in ARC East Midlands, captures best practice and provides researchers with a framework on how to improve the participation of Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups in research.
Jargon BusterLink opens in a new window – a glossary of words containing the definitions of some of the terms commonly used in public involvement in research.