Magdalena Skrybant

Headshot of Dr Magdalena Skrybant

Tel: 0121 414 6026

Magdalena is the Public Involvement and Engagement Lead for NIHR ARC WM. She is responsible for the operations of Public Involvement and she is the dedicated contact for public contributors and staff in ARC WM in all matters relating to public involvement and engagement.

Emma Marks

Profile photo of Emma Marks

Emma is Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Officer for NIHR ARC WM. Emma’s role ensures that there is meaningful involvement with patients and the public in applied health research.

Emma has 24 years of work experience in Health and Social Care mostly within the Mental Health sector. She is a qualified Social Worker and has worked in both the Voluntary and Statutory sector. Her work has mostly involved areas of Community Development, Social Inclusion, Co-production and Equality and Diversity.

Sophie Staniszewska

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Sophie is Professor of Patient and Public Involvement and Experiences of Care and is based at the University of Warwick (staff profile).

Caroline Jackson

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Caroline leads Public Involvement for the ARC National Priority Programme for Adult Social Work & Social Care, which has a dedicated Public Involvement Group. Caroline also supports a number of research projects in ARC WM’s Social Care Theme. Her interests include: participatory work, lived experience and the voluntary social care sector engagement in research.

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